Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science – 2 Day Course

Author: pivotalphysio

Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science is a two-day course that mixes a lecture, case study and hands-on learning format. This course has been taught throughout the world with the aim of simplifying the biomechanical approach to injury and pain management. A simplified, yet strongly evidenced based biomechanical approach, allows the therapist to develop skills that address all areas of the biopsychosocial contributors to the pain experience.

Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science is a deep dive into the experience of pain as it relates to movement and/or other factors, through the lens of the client’s needs and goals.

RBPS provides a balanced presentation of the most modern evidence related to all things MSK. The RBPS course asks you to use this evidence to think critically about every case that comes before you versus teaching you some modality that is going to ‘fix’ everyone.

The RBPS course promotes an evidence-based approach that acknowledges the uncertainty in the MSK field.  Most of all, it can cover a ton of evidence that shows just how adaptable and resilient the human organism is. That we most often don’t need to be ‘fixed’. And makes apparent that we don’t need to pathologize normal.

The course gives you confidence to reassure people (once red flags have been ruled out) and encourage them to return to meaningful activities.

All registrants in the in-person are automatically registered in the Online version FOR LIFE.

Course date: October 19th/20th 2024 in Edmonton, Alberta

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