TCM Acupuncture
Assessment: $125.00 | Treatment: $95.00 | Location: Fort Saskatchewan
For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced as a complete health care system approach to treating and preventing disease. TCM Acupuncture is a component of care in accordance with the TCM system that can assist in treating many conditions. At Pivotal Physio Fort Sask, TCM Acupuncture is used for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and pain, phantom pains, women’s health, cosmetic acupuncture, and assisting patients in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle that works for them.
Treatment plans are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts in addition to managing issues identified from a Western Medicine approach. This means the practitioner may select needling treatment points outside of the area of concern in order to apply an efficient treatment plan based on TCM. In addition to needling, the practitioner may also provide other TCM related modalities such as Moxibustion, Gua Sha (known as Graston technique), Cupping, Acupressure and Tui Na Massage, and Electroacupuncture (applying Acupuncture in conjunction with E-Stim). The moxibustion treatments our practitioner at Pivotal Fort Sask offers are electric and provide the same benefits of traditional moxibustion, without involving the physical burning of the mugwort herb.