Fee: $500.00 | Locations: High Performance Centre, Fort Saskatchewan, Northgate Centre

Your feet are the anchors of your body, so it’s important to keep them healthy. Poor walking patterns, abnormal biomechanics and foot imbalances can have severe effects on the body, leading to pain and poor functioning in the feet, knees, hips, back and neck.

Many people suffer from heel, foot or arch pain. Customized orthotics are specifically designed devices used to correct abnormalities in the foot and help the body function properly. A properly balanced foot with the help of customized orthotics can reduce stress and pain on joints in the legs, hips, back and neck.

Here at Pivotal Physiotherapy, we use Metascan dynamic software and a program called Footmaxx to diagnose foot problems and determine if customized orthotics are needed. Our Metascan software scans the foot 150 times per second, tracking eight key points compared to pressure and time. The results are colour-coded, creating 2D and 3D composite images and a display of your gait analysis. This information is used with a specific clinical exam to design the best possible prescription for your customized orthotics.

If your physiotherapist determines that you need customized orthotics, and you decide to purchase them, you’ll have your foot scanned and your test results will be sent to one of our suppliers to develop a customized orthotic insole for your shoes.

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